Prof, Mohamad Sawan, CenBRAIN Labs, Westlake University, China (IEEE Fellow)
Prof, Mohamad Sawan, Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Academician of the Engineering Institute of Canada, IEEE Fellow, an internationally renowned scientist in the field of smart biomedical devices, made major contributions to implantable and wearable smart medical devices based on smart microsystem technology. He has published more than 800 peer-reviewed papers, two monographs, ten monograph chapters, twelve invention patents, and 15 other patent applications are pending. He is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (2016-2019), and the associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. He is the founder of the Polystim Neurotechnology Laboratory and the IEEE-NEWCAS International Conference, and the co-founder of the IEEE-BioCAS International Conference. Dr. Sawan hosted the IEEE International Circuits and Systems Conference (ISCAS) in Montreal in 2016 as the conference chair, and hosted the IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Medicine and Biology (EMBC) in Montreal in 2020. He has won several international awards, including Hangzhou Qianjiang Friendship Ambassador Award, Shanghai International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, Elizabeth II Jubilee Diamond Award, Lebanon Presidential Award, Barbara Turnbull Award, ACFAS-Bombardier Award, ACFAS Jacques Rousseau Award, Canada's Top Ten Inventions of the Year Award, Quebec Official Medal of Canada (Quebec's highest honor), etc.
Areas of Expertise: Bridging micro/nano electronics with biomedical engineering to introduce smart medical devices dedicated to improving the quality of human life.